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how to buy Instagram followers, then visit our reliable website. Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in the Smilgen village (present-day Croatia) of the Austrian Empire. In 1861, he went to a primary school in the village where he read arithmetic, German and religion. He completed the 'Lower Real Gymnasium' and then 'Higher Real Gymnasium', where he was greatly impressed by his mathematics teacher. Soon he could prove an integral calculus in his mind. Due to intellect, Tesla completed a four-year term in just three years, after receiving a military borders scholarship, he entered 'Austrian Polytechnic'. There he really worked hard, never lost a class or lecture and never took a break, he was so involved in his studies that his professors wrote to his father that if he is kept doing so, he will have more work Can be killed by. During the second year of school, Tesla became addicted to gambling and eventually lost his scholarship.

In his third year, he had lost all his money for gambling and had left no money for his education. Due to this behavior, Tesla was unable to graduate and at the end of 1878 he left his family to hide that he could not graduate. He went to Maribor (present day Slovenia) where he worked as a draftsman. The next year his father tracked him and asked him to come home, although Tesla refused. Even in the same year, he had to face problems. In 1881, Tesla started working for a telegraph company called 'Budapest Telephone Exchange', where he was promoted to the position of main power. During his time, Nikola Tesla made several positive changes in the Central Station Equipment.
Be Alone, That Is The Secret Of Invention By Nicola Tesla
Nicola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, futurist and physicist, famous for major important inventions such as dynamo, X-ray technology, magnetic field, radar technology and induction motor. Tesla got a job in the 'Continental Addison Company' located in France, where he had to prepare electrical equipment. He achieved excellence in this work and made many improvements. Two years later, they were sent to New York City, where on the recommendation of their former employer, they were hired by Thomas Edison. He started working on Addison Machine Works Soon a significant part of Tesla's company became to solve their many problems. He promised some money with Edison and in 1886 he formed his electric company named 'Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing'. In 1887 he founded another company named 'Tesla Electric Company'. Tesla is known for making some of the most important inventions in history, leading to 'Tesla Coil' and generator, transformer and alternative electric system of the motor, which is commonly used today. . Nicola Tesla started working on his most important and adventurous project in 1900. It was a huge electric tower, which was through a huge electric tower that provides information free of charge and worldwide free electricity. However, due to financial constraints, Tesla could not complete this task. Tesla died in New York in 1943 and died alone, where he lived for sixty years.
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