Tuesday, 17 October 2017

How to print money through writing the blogs?

Hey! Readers welcome to this tremendous page with a hot discussion. Readers, If you are seeking the great ideas about How to write a money-making blog? Then you have landed on a right page. Keep exploring and improve your skills to write a money-making blog. But the blog is not successful without readers, for achieving a great success you must have a large number of followers, so if you want to learn how to buy followers on Instagram then click on the highlighted link as shown in this section. Before writing a blog, I would like to tell you the very first thing that blogging is just a pure business and any business needs time and hard work to build. Most new bloggers believe that they can create a blog and earn money instantly. It takes time. Blogging is a part of daily life today, in fact, it takes some time before being successfully practically a monster.
Get Followers
Blogging started to expand rapidly in 1999 and shortly afterward thanks to a few nearly-simultaneous creations of blog tools: Open Diary (1998), LiveJournal (1999), Pitas.com (1999), and Blogger.com (1999). Many people have chosen to make blogging their lifestyle, and their livelihood (even the internet-famous people, by making goals for the attack of Ransomware). However, creating a wildly successful, engaging blog is not an easy accomplishment. Approx 33.9m new blogs generated every month and over 60,328,496 blogs published on sites like WordPress.com, the following blogging stars have actually emerged from the public and have risen to the top of the blogosphere for many reasons. We are providing the names of top 5 bloggers in the USA with their income that they are earning through bogs.
  1. Michael Arrington: $500,000 To $800,000 per month
  2. Pete Cashmore:$560,000 To $600,000 per month
  3. Mario Lavanderia, 'Perez Hilton': $200,000 To $400,000 per month
  4. Vitaly Friedman: $150,000 To $190,000 per month
  5. Timothy Sykes: Monthly Income: $150,000 To $180,000 per month

Some Dos And Don'ts While Writing A Blog

  1. When Writing a Blog Do
    • Find your interest
    • To do this, you should ask yourself this question before: Who is your target reader? Once it is fixed, you can go home in a niche group (as it focuses on writing) and become an expert on it.
    • Be who you are
    • There is a voice who sets apart from the paper's article feeds to the blogger. Let your readers know you that your content is the person who pulls them in your voice in your personality or written form, what will they keep them there?
    • Use some important links to link your blog with them
    • Whether you are linking to other blogs or websites that have great information or linking past posts to your own site, whenever you can. This will not only increase your clicks but will also help in your blog's search engine rankings.
    • Insert Quality And Related Images
    • While the readers come to your blog for information and personality, they also need to be visually incited. Not all posts will lend itself to any image, but when they do, take advantage of them.
    • Post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Anywhere Else You Can
    • Post your blogs on different social media platforms as given above. Don't worry it's not a cyber crime or scam that would hack you and draw the information. It is necessary for potential readers to find your blog easy (and friends and family definitely qualify as potential readers).

  2. When Writing a Blog Don't
    • Set False Aims
    • You know your time and abilities better than anyone else, so do not try to post every day if you can not. Start out by posting weekly and make your reader desperate about your blog. As you organize your process, you can increase your posting if you can.
    • Set Your word's limit
    • If you have something to say, then go for it. Readers (and search engines) prefer to receive fleshy pieces (500 words or more) to click through their time.This does not mean that you can not present small pieces or you should just walk around to complete the word count, but do not be afraid to break old notions that the blog needs to be reduced. When the time is right, then go for long.
    • Be negative
    • Generally, it is not foolish to fly private complaints publicly (unless, of course, this is not the subject of your blog). You will go a long way by being positive, inspirational and helpful for the community you are writing.
    • Avoid trying new things
    • It is important to develop your blog over time, and it can be the only way if you take the risk every time. Whether it's adding infographics or personal stories or guest bloggers, never try to do something new if you feel that it can add something special to your blog, then try it out.


So, readers, I think you have learned that writing a blog is not an easy task but you somehow by following these steps you can write easily. Your blog should be attractive and interactive as well. You know what Knowledge + Idea = Money. Your knowledge is the key to success, no matter how long it takes, but in the end, you will get the success for sure. You should have knowledge about the topic what you are going to write. The other factor which affects your blog is the Followers. The followers are also the key to success. So if you want to increase your followers on Instagram then visit our website.Buycheapfollowerslikes.info

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